Here are the features:
- Using AJAX for single-page interactive Web applications: The application is designed to be a single-page application where the user never leaves the page. Different sections of the page are dynamically loaded based on the user actions. These sections are loaded asynchronously to avoid any browser refreshes, and to give a richer interactive user-experience.
- Mash-ups with Google maps: The petstore uses a mashup with Google's Map service, alongwith Yahoo's Geo-coder service to allow users to see the available pets in a neighborhood.
- Community-created content: The application allows a user to add a pet for sale or adoption on the Website. The seller uploads
- Using Captchas to discourage spam in the community created content: Whenever a website allows its users to add content, it needs to build mechanisms to discourage placement of spurious content on its Website through automated mechanisms. We demonstrate how captchas can be used for this purpose.
- Community rated content: Each item in the petstore website can be rated by the users
- Payments through PayPal: The application provides a meeting ground for buyers and sellers of pets. The application uses the PayPal service to allow sellers to accept payments.
- Integration of an RSS feed: The website integrates an RSS feed of news items coming out the Java BluePrints website. The
- Integration of a search engine: The application integrates Apache Lucene search engine to handle all website searches.
- JavaServer Faces: Many of the AJAX features are implemented as reusable JavaServer Faces components.
- Java Persistence API: The application uses Java Persistence APIs to create an object/relational mapping layer.
- Dependency Injection: The application uses dependency injection instead of deployment descriptors.
pet store links are everywhere, but was hoping somebody will host pet store 2.0.. people would flock to ur site if u had the 2.0 demo hosted..:)